ABViewer Enterprise

ABViewer-economic versatility and quality of applications for the drawing operation, which has a very powerful functional and professional editor, providing support for a wide variety of vector and raster formats, such as, GIF, JPG, AutoCAD DXF, DWG, PLT, Hewlett-Packard HPGL, CGM, HGL, IGES / IGS, SVG, STEP / STP, 3DS, STL, TIFF, BMP, and many others.

A powerful program to convert, edit and view files.
It supports formats such as: DWG, 3DS *, DXF, PLT, SVG, TIFF, CGM, IGES / IGS *, STL *, STEP / STP *, and other professional formats (* to view 3D-files requires a free add-on)
Versatile, can do everything you need to practice when working with design and engineering documentation
The speed, ease and power of a professional product
Large print formats:
Format A1, A4 on the printer

Supported formats
ABViewer can be associated with all supported formats.

Supported CAD formats:
AutoCAD ™:
DWG - all versions from 2.5 to 2011 inclusive
DXF ASCII all versions
File Templates: DWT
Autodesk Design Web Format: DWF
Hewlett-Packard HPGL: HGL, HG, PLT, HPG, PLO, HP, HP1, HP2, GL2, HPGL, HPGL2, PRN, SPL
Scalable Vector Graphics: SVG
Computer Graphics Metafile: CGM
Adobe Acrobat Document: PDF
Encapsulated PostScript File: EPS
Adobe Post Script: PS
Support for bitmap images:
Bitmaps: DIB, BMP, RLE
Icons: ICO
Image: JPG, JPEG
Compuserve: GIF
Images of Arts & Letters thumbnail: GED
Images Autodesk: CEL, PIC
CALS Raster: CAL
Images of Dr. Halo: CUT, PAL
Images of GFI fax: FAX
Images of Kodak Photo-CD: PCD
Images of Paintshop Pro: PSP
Images of Photoshop: PSD, PDD
Image Portable network graphic: PNG
Image Portable pixel / gray map: PGM, PPM, PBM
Images of SGI Wavefront: RLA, RPF
Images of TIF: TIFF, TIF
Images Truevision: VDA, TGA, VST, WIN
Images ZSoft Paintbrush: PCX
Support vector images:
Metafile: WMF
Enhanced Metafiles: EMF

Supported 3D formats (3D Viewers)
AutoCAD ™: DWG
Drawing Exchange Format: DXF
3DStudio (and others): 3DS
Stereolithography: STL (STL Viewer)
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification: IGES/IGS1 (IGES Viewer)
Standard for the Exchange of Product model data: STEP/STP1 (STEP Viewer)
WaveFront and others: OBJ
GNU Triangulated Surface: GTS
Triangular Irregular Network: TIN
ASCI Scene Export: ASE
Blitz 3D: B3D
Ghoul2 (GLM): GLM, GLX, GLA
Pulsar Studio LMTS: LMTS
Lightwave3D object file (6.0 and above): LWO
Nurbs surfaces: NURBS
NormalMapper: NMF
Stanford Triangle Format: PLY
Virtual Reality Modeling Language: VRML
MDC files: MDC
Quake2: MD2
Quake3: MD3
Doom3: MD5
Half-Life: SMD
Quake3: BSP

Managing Portions of Drawings:
Copying portions of drawings to the clipboard in bitmap (BMP), and vector (EMF) formats.
The selected area can be printed separately from the rest of the drawing.
The selected area can be saved in a separate file (DXF, PDF, BMP and other formats).

Editing Drawings:
ABViewer allows editing both standard CAD formats such as DWG and DXF, and vector files: PLT, SVG, CGM. The program has all the professional editor tools that makes it possible to work in ABViewer as well as in "heavy" editors, such as AutoCAD ™, or "Compass."

Conversion Features:
Copying to the clipboard in a format BMP, EMF / WMF.
Exporting drawings to raster formats BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF with a comfortable setting.
Saving vector data formats when exporting to PDF, DXF, PLT, SVG, CGM, SWF, WMF, EMF.
! Important: Clip Rectangle allows conversion of only the relevant part of the drawing.

Converting and Printing
If you have a lot of files that need to be converted to another format or print, you need not spend a lot of time. ABViewer supports simultaneous conversion and print in a "batch" mode - with the same settings for all files.

Quick Load and Scaling Big Black-and-white bitmap files:
In ABViewer is used the know-how to work with 1-bit (black and white) raster formats. Huge file sizes 20 to 15 000 pixels loaded in less than a second and almost instantly scalable, which is very convenient when working with scanned drawings into TIFF format.

Measurement Tools:
Quick and easy setting of scale factor for measurements - no more additional computations!
Changing lengths, areas and perimeters.

Working with CAD Files
Hide all sizes, or you can text with one click
Easy switching between files
Binding to objects has a large number of settings and does not act only when editing drawings, and the use of "lines"
Measure distances on the drawing, including the setting of scale factor.
Viewing and Editing in 3D
Viewing with six orthogonal projections and four isometric views.
Automatic rotation of loaded CAD file by a specified angle.
Working with layers
Color and black and white modes for CAD files
Setting the background color
DWG / DXF / SVG / CGM arcs and circles can be drawn as smooth curves and saved to EMF as metafile arcs, and ellipses, which allows scaling without loss of quality
Set the number of line segments when drawing circles, arcs, ellipses and splines
Merging drawings into one file.
The ability to view CAD files structure.
Supporting SHX-fonts, including UNICODE and BIGFONTS.

Search for files
Favorites and Explorer panels for fast navigation of files. Sub-program "Sketches" makes it possible to view all files in a directory before they are opened, including DXF, PLT and other files not managed by Windows or ordinary viewers. Navigate open files in ABViewer can very quickly thanks to the modern organization of documents in tabs.

File Navigation
Dynamic scaling of the drawing with the wheel "click", like in AutoCAD ™ text search terms and quickly link to the right side of the drawing. If only the contour of a detail in the drawing, then remove all texts and sizes is possible by pressing a single button - now for this operation is not necessary to open layers and change their appearance.

Mode "Redline" or comments to the drawing provide additional information that is superimposed on the drawing but does not affect the basic file. In this mode, you can use all the elements of the editor. Comments, together with the basic file can be printed or converted to another format. A drawing can be supplied with many comments. Additional features of this mode allows you to select the path to save the file marks and provide automatic loading.

Print function is a very big opportunity. You can print as a single file or group of files to your settings. In the dialog box "Preview" is a large number of settings, for example line width, color and layers of DWG / DXF, determine the values ​​of zero width. Print 'tiles' allows printing the image on any number of pages in different formats with the necessary scale, for example, large images (A0, A1, etc.) can be divided into many small pages of different size for subsequent pasting together into a single canvas. Any 'tile' can be printed independently of the others. Thus, if one page seems defective (eg because of problems with the printer), you can reprint this page separately. In addition to printing the entire file, you can print the selected area (Tool 'Clip Rectangle' that selects the required area for the display of the print) and print the viewing frustum. Colored drawings can be printed with high quality in black-and-white printer (with no gray tones). There are a number of frames to be inserted when you print.
Predefined sizes for standard formats (ISO-A; DIN: A4, A3, A2, A1, A0; US: A, B, C, D, E).

Export formats
Adobe Acrobat Document (*. Pdf)
Adobe Flash (*. Swf)
AutoCAD ™ DXF (R2000): (*. Dxf)
Bitmap Files: (*. Bmp)
Computer Graphics Metafile: (*. Cgm)
GIF (*. Gif)
Hewlett-Packard HPGL: (*. Plt)
JPEG: (*. Jpg)
TIFF (*. Tiff)
Scalable Vector Graphics: (*. Svg)
Windows Metafiles: (*. Wmf)
Windows Enhanced Metafiles: (*. Emf)

Changes in version
Ribbon (Ribbon);
Dynamic Input values ​​for creating and editing facilities;
the ability to create tables;
creation and editing of OLE objects;
improving the work with the viewports: scaling and moving images in a viewport using the mouse;
full support for Unicode;
improving the quality of display CGM, SVG, DXF, DWG and PLT formats;
improvement of export formats CGM, SVG and DXF.

Release released: 2012
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit / 64-bit).
Language: multilanguage / Russian
Medicine: present
Size: 13.6 MB
ABViewer Enterprise

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